Pakistani Students WhatsApp Group Links

Want to share study material like notes, assignments, or homework with your same class-fellows and get notified by the education system? Join our 100+ Pakistani Students WhatsApp Group Links including 8th Class WhatsApp Group Links, 9th Class WhatsApp Group Links, 10th Class WhatsApp Group Links, 11th Class Study WhatsApp Group Links, 12th Class Study WhatsApp Group Links, and Online Classes WhatsApp Group Links. Because WhatsApp Groups is one of the best features of the WhatsApp App that allows you to share media with each other via pics, videos, voice chat, documents, and audio & video calls.

Whether you are a School, College, or University student, we ensure that these groups could be beneficial for you. In these groups, you can share study material and also get latest information related to education system. You can get scholarship notifications, Prime Minister laptop scheme notifications, summer vacations, and much more like these. You just need to click on “Join Now” button to join these groups.

Educational Institute

Group NameGroup Link
IT InstituteClick Here
Education UpdatesClick Here
Education CenterClick Here
University Cantab (UC Arts)Click Here
Free Beautician courseClick Here

Quran Study WhatsApp Group Links

Group NameGroup Link
Allah Hafiz Quran AcademyClick Here
Quran Meri ZindagiClick Here
Easy Quran TutorClick Here
Online Quran TeachingClick Here
Online Holy Quran AcademyClick Here
Al-Makkah Quran AcademyClick Here

Interview & Test Preparation WhatsApp Group Links

Group NameGroup Link
Career Tutor PreparationClick Here
Govt Jobs PreparationClick Here
Help Zone For all Type PreparationClick Here
Test Preparation McqsClick Here

Online Course Education Whatsapp Group Links

Group NameGroup Link
Graphics designer free courseClick Here
Unique skills with AlizaClick Here
Certified Management ProgramClick Here
Surah Fatiha CourseClick Here
Life Changer GroupClick Here
Najeeb Trusted ZoneClick Here
2D 3D LearningClick Here
Editing Full CourseClick Here
Hand Made Jewelry CourseClick Here

Pakistani Students WhatsApp Group Links

Group NameGroup Link
Z.A students groupClick Here
SGA Matric StudentsClick Here
Online Quran teacherClick Here
Islamic StatusClick Here
University studentsClick Here
Ca’foscari ScholarshipClick Here
Pakistani’s in Bahrain JobClick Here
CA StudentsClick Here
Study visa SwedenClick Here
Teesside UniversityClick Here
Pakistani Students AssociationClick Here
Virtual University Of PakistanClick Here
Anaesthesia StudentClick Here
Qatar Job VacanciesClick Here
Money Making Courses FreeClick Here
Knowledge & EntertainmentClick Here
Papers 9/10Click Here
Mathematics in real lifeClick Here
English LearnersClick Here
CSS PreparationClick Here
ASF Test PreparationClick Here
Boys girls student groupClick Here
PPSC, FPSC, NTS preparationClick Here
Meta forceClick Here
Brand groupClick Here
9th class groupClick Here
Short trick mathematicsClick Here
EngStep ForwardClick Here
Only colg studentsClick Here
MicroBiology StudentsClick Here

Stay connected with us for more “Pakistani Students Whatsapp Group Links” because we update this content with more WhatsApp Groups with the passage of time. The upcoming groups may be on different new topics like Scholarship WhatsApp Group links for students, Prime Minister Laptop Scheme for students, and Summer Vacations WhatsApp Groups. But we make sure that every new group will come with something new. Moreover, if you want a group on any specific topic, then you can ask us through the comment section.

You can also add your WhatsApp Group to our collection by clicking here, “Submit Your WhatsApp Group”. Then we will add your group to our collection without any charges.

Note: Share this content with your School friends and Class-fellows who are interested in joining the Pakistani Student WhatsApp Group so that they get notified with the Pakistani education system. They can join any WhatsApp Group according to their interest from our collection of 100+ Pakistani Students WhatsApp Groups.

How To Join Pakistani Students WhatsApp Group Links?

To join the Pakistani Students WhatsApp Groups, you have to follow the below steps;

  • Scroll down to look for WhatsApp Groups that you want to join according to your interest from the above-provided links
  • Find it! Now click on the “Join Now” button that is provided below that particular group name
  • As you click on the “Join Now” button you will be automatically redirected to your WhatsApp Messenger account
  • Where you will get a pop-up of that WhatsApp group name, Group pic, and description with the joining button
  • If you want to join then click on the “Join Group” button
  • Wait for admin approval to become a member of that group

Note: During the joining process, if any group shows an error like “You can’t join this group because it is full” then try to join any other relevant group or try to join after some days.

What Are The Rules Of Pakistani Students WhatsApp Group Links

All WhatsApp Groups have their own rules and regulations, but some common rules that most of the groups have, are given below:

  • Only students and teachers can join these groups via links
  • Following the group rules are essentials that are mentioned in that particular group description
  • Group name, Group pic, and Group description are not allow to change without admin permission
  • Only study materials are allowed to be shared like notes and assignments
  • Teachers are not allowed to punished students
  • Don’t share your personal information like roll number, Result cards, etc
  • Don’t create disturbance in the group
  • Avoid sharing entire textbooks or copyrighted material without permission
  • Be respectful and considerate to all group members
  • Keep discussions relevant to the study
  • Sharing educational resources and opportunities is allowed if relevant
  • Share news and updates about education, scholarships, and opportunities
  • Report any rule violations or inappropriate behavior to the admins immediately

What Are The Advantages of WhatsApp Groups for Students?

Joining the Student WhatsApp Groups has several advantages. Some of them are given below:

  • After joining these groups you can get instant solutions to their problem or question
  • WhatsApp Groups made it easy to share study materials like notes and assignments for students
  • These groups promote collaborative learning through group discussions, project coordination, and team assignments.
  • Students can discuss topics, share insights, and prepare for exams together in these wtsp groups
  • Students can get important announcements and updates related to classes, exams, events, and deadlines.
  • These groups help students build connections that can be valuable for academic and professional growth
  • Being a mobile app, WhatsApp ensures students can stay connected and access information on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ’s

The purpose of these Groups is to create a supportive community for Pakistani students where they can share academic resources, discuss topics, get help with their studies, and stay informed about educational opportunities and events.

These Groups are open to all Pakistani students, both domestic and international, who are currently enrolled in educational institutions or are recent graduates seeking academic and professional support.

You can join the group by clicking on the provided invitation link. Ensure you have the WhatsApp application installed on your device.

The primary requirement is that you must be a Pakistani student or a recent graduate. Additionally, you should agree to abide by the group rules and guidelines.

If you notice any rule violations, report it to the group admins immediately. Admins will take appropriate action, which may include issuing warnings or removing the offending member from the group.

The Group is managed by a team of admins who ensure the group runs smoothly, enforce the rules, and assist members with any issues.

You can contact the group admins directly through WhatsApp by sending them a private message or by mentioning them in the group chat if it’s a group-related query.

Yes, WhatsApp groups display the phone numbers of all members. It’s recommended to avoid sharing sensitive personal information in the group to maintain your privacy.

If you leave the group unintentionally, you can rejoin using the same invitation link, provided it is still active. If the link has expired, contact an admin to be added back to the group.


Joining Pakistani Students WhatsApp Groups offers a valuable platform for academic support, resource sharing, and networking among peers. These groups facilitate instant communication, collaborative learning, and access to important educational updates. By adhering to the group rules and actively participating, students can enhance their educational experience and stay informed about opportunities and events.

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